
Everybody has realistic dreams, ones that start with a seed in the heart, are watered, then grow. Well…I finally published my dream, my young adult novel entitled Username: Bladen. The idea to write it literally struck me in the darkness of the night. I began this project not too long ago, though now it feels like forever. This book, in its original manuscript form, meandered down a typical publishing path in many ways, until it recently settled (Yay!) on the shelves of cyberspace. Soon, I hope it will find a happy home on the shelves of many book lovers, in a real home not just a virtual one. After all who doesn’t like to see their dreams come true? Today, with the technological advances that we enjoy, dreams of publishing are well within a writer’s grasp.

Every mom, much to their chagrin, experiences sleepless nights. With six kids, I honestly can’t remember the last time I slept through the night. Typically, when I wake up and can’t fall back to sleep, I think too much about things, meditate, or pray. One night as I was praying, the plot for Username: Bladen literally flooded my thoughts. I got so excited about it that I decided to sit down and write and write and write.

I spent a lot of time learning about publishing. I joined forums and writers’ groups. When I finished my manuscript, I entered it into The Sandy Writing contest, which was a terrific learning experience. I didn’t win, but one judge loved my story and gave me almost a perfect score. That gave me a lot of encouragement. I also queried it a little, and am amazed by how much I learned and loved the process. I know nobody likes rejection letters, but I appreciated the personal letters I received from agents that gave me insight into why they rejected my manuscript. Then finally, after I learned that publishers don’t have a lot of shelf room for young adult novels with a male protagonist, I decided to stop querying and publish through Westbow. I found an extremely talented editor, and rather quickly finished the process of publishing my book. I couldn’t be happier with the final result. If anyone has a story to tell, are willing to be diligent, and have a dream to be a published author, you can do it! Believe in yourself and make your dream come true!

13 Responses to About

  1. Just came across your blog today and found it full of good advice and more importantly encouragement especially for those of us that are clueless – cheers m’dear

  2. Kristy J. W. says:

    Hello! I nominated you for The Bouquet Of Three award! For more information you can check out my blog post right here http://wp.me/p3eeOO-9Q
    Congrats and take care!!

  3. leighla93 says:

    Hello there, I just wanted to thank you for liking my poem on Mind’s Seat. It means a lot for an actual publisher to like my poems. Keep writing and God bless! 🙂

  4. Jerry B. says:

    That you for visiting tripthroughmymind. Because of your visit, I have discovered your works here and also a potential book to add to my reading list. I will be coming back again and again to explore your site. It is nice to meet you here in the cyber world.

    Talk with you soon.

  5. jsherwin2013 says:

    Just found your beautiful blog and signed up to follow it. Thanks so much for the reblog. I am grateful for the support from my fellow authors. Blessings, Jennie

  6. PMcG says:

    Wow. Six kids and you found time to write a novel. Hurrah! Good luck with Username: Bladen. BTW: Thanks for stopping by AHintOfLight.com

  7. Good morning! Remember me from Twitter? I’m following you back. Loved reading about your experiences wrting and getting published. I write YA too and will probably go the self-publishing route later this year. 🙂

  8. Shirley Harris-Slaughter says:

    JV I was looking for more information about you since we are an international book club and I haven’t found anything. Its an interesting post though. I really want to talk to you about your childrens book “Patty Cakes”. You can find my email address in my blog http://www.shirleyslaughter.com.

    Talk to you soon.

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